Annual Membership Dues

You can pay your annual membership dues and upload your CEU certificates (PDF files) directly form the online store or send them directly to the ACRRT via email.



Approved Continuing Education Courses


Continuing education requirements vary between the states. It is the responsibility of the Limited Radiographer or Chiropractic Radiological Technologist to ensure they have met the CE requirements for their particular state. Please contact us if you have any questions. 


The ACRRT welcomes the opportunity to review and approve radiography courses that interest you. To seek approval for radiology CE credits, please send the course information and brochure or link to


The following courses have been approved. 


Provider - The X-Ray lady

  1. Head Radiography - 3 CEUs
  2. Radiation Safety in Women’s Imaging - 3.5 CEUs
  3. Ethics: A Review for Radiologic Technologists, 2nd Edition - 3.5 CEUs
  4. Communicating Radiation Risks in Pediatric Imaging - 4 CEUs
  5. Spine and Pelvis Radiography - 4 CEUs
  6. Care and Imaging of the Transgender Patient - 5 CEUs
  7. Digital Radiation Safety, 2nd Edition - 6 CEUs
  8. Obesity and Imaging Challenges, 2nd Edition - 6.25 CEUs
  9. A Review of Image Production in Radiography - 9.25 CEUs
  10. Imaging the Chest - 12 CEUs
  11. Imaging the Extremities - 12 CEUs
  12. Spine Anatomy, Positioning, and Diseases for Radiographers - 13.75 CEUs
  13. Radiation Safety and Reducing Retake Examinations, 2nd Edition - 14 CEUs

Provider - Tools of Practice

  1. Principles, Procedures & Positioning in the Chiropractic Office - 12 CEUs
  2. Spinal Positioning Review Only - 3 CEUs
  3. Extremity Positioning Review Only - 2 CEUs

Provider - CE4RT

  1. Radiography of the Foot - EBook and Test – 1 CEU
  2. Radiography of the Pelvis and Hip - EBook and Test – 1 CEU
  3. Medical Imaging Past, Present, and Future - EBook and Test – 2 CEU
  4. Radiography of the Leg, Knee, and Ankle - EBook and Test – 2 CEU
  5. ALARA for Digital Radiography - EBook and Test – 4 CEU
  6. Understanding Ionizing Radiation and Protection - EBook and Test – 12 CEU
  7. PACS and Digital Radiography - EBook and Test – 18 CEU